Tag Archives: workshops

Spring is absolutely spectacular! Everywhere I look there are blossoms and blooming flowers and butterflies and bees. If we look. Soon summer will be upon us and we’ll complain about the heat. Our energy will attach to the sun and other sources of magic will happen. But for now…..glorious Spring is upon us!

Everyone around me is blooming. Love is in the air. A cat has entered my energy space and I’m thrilled. Teaching is filling my calendar and readings are filling my magic space. Friends are in powerful life changes and reality is awakening their soul. It’s a wonderful time to manifest something better!

What’s going on with you during this Springtime? Head Spinning? Did March bring in Madness and you’re still stuck in that space? Does Spring bring health issues? Anxiety due to lack of tax payments? College pressure? Still working out time change? Body issues just thinking of the beach and summer clothes?

Make a change. Explore your body’s intuition to create something new. New thinking. Let it Go and do the best you can with the situation. You’ll survive! It’s what we do, it’s who we are; it’s in our DNA that word “Survival”. Manifest from the Light side. Trust

There’s a natural beauty in the world outside your worry and misery. Look at that world while you’re doing the best you can! Fill yourself up with the colors and smells and magic of Mother Earth. Do the best you can with whatever it is you’re working on. Take a ride and fill up your Soul. Remind yourself that there is a Beautiful, Wonderful, You. Relax.

Receive with open arms. You’ve given enough for the day.
Guide yourself back to the sacred

Upcoming Events

I am currently creating classes, workshops and another Retreat this year.

Class: MAY
The Medicine Wheel (9 months) will be a huge part of learning energy. Additional learning this year taught with a twist. Using movement in each of the Eight Directions! It could not be a better time to take your power!

Seminar: MAY
Seminar on Channeling

Workshop: JUNE
Workshop on Cleaning Clutter

Retreat: OCTOBER
A Retreat pertaining to Nature

Stay tuned for dates and times ………….

Jeanie MacDonald